
May 28, 2019

How can we help children learn to think better?

The world has changed, but the education system has not. Lagging behind the evolution renders traditional school no more than a deadweight. Everybody is worrying about AI taking our jobs, just like the industrial revolution taking farmers’ jobs. It is bound to happen and it is a good thing.

But in fact, what we should worry about is get the generation ready for that. And to prepare for that, it is not to hit our kids when they got F on report card, it is not to force them to memorize searchable facts, it is not to compare them and put them in ranks like product ranking, and clearly not just put kids sitting down the whole day listening to list of boring facts. You are wasting your kids time, and eventually destroying their life. What you need to do is to teach them how to think, how to be creative, and how to be nice. These are what robots cannot do.

How can we fix traditional media’s business model?

Started with angelic intention of disseminating truth of event, now media has become an arena of attention grab, which eventually has changed into disseminating falsified narrative. Media’s main business model is advertising. More clickbait, more view, more money, less truth. Maybe to fix the problem is to fix the whole business model of the media?

How can we build a modern transportation infrastructure?

Urban traffic is driving people crazy. Not only does it sucks away your time and slowing you down, it also affect you mentally. People are annoyed arriving at work, becoming toxic, the toxicity gets modified in the office, now everyone is toxic. Toxic day, toxic life, toxic society, crappy productivity, depressed nation. Unfortunately, a solution for a city does not applicable to others. Some cities are cars 95%, and some 50%. The price of gas, the population density and living standard vary.

Faster transportation, happier people, more productivity, less toxic, happy city!

How can we decelerate climate change?

You have all heard this in your textbook since you were kids. Everybody is telling you it’s bad, but everyone is still doing it. Maybe instead of blaming anyone, the smart people of our generation should try new technology and figure it out together?

How can we create a scalable solution to help people with mental depression?

With the internet, flood of information has overheat our head. Instead of you controlling, being controlled by social media breads comparison and self-expectation, thereby lowering self-esteem and lead to depression. With the population increase, the proportion of lonely people also increase. It is amplified when the society centers around competition, and less on creativity. Should we just let this become the survival of the fittest? Or should we aim for utopian?

How can we make boring but important idea appealing to the mass?

Is there a way we can be trained to be a science communicator? Is there a way to make scientific papers readable to laymen, and still hold on to the technicality for other scientist?